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The amendment to the REACH Regulation 2006, introduced starting from August 2020, with Restriction no. 74 relating to the use of diisocyanates, requires all workers who use products containing diisocyanates in concentrations higher than 0.1% to attend and complete with specific training and subsequent five-year refresher course are successful. The standard concerns use in both the professional and industrial sectors, and is aimed at all workers: employees, self-employed, employers and all those who, although not directly involved in processing with diisocyanates, are responsible for supervising these activities. The aim is that every operator who handles diisocyanates has adequate knowledge of the risks associated with their use, including training in damage prevention and management, which is added to appropriate experience of their use.



Regulation (EU) 2020/1149 (GU L 252/24 of 4 august 2020)

Art. 37 D.Lgs. 81/08

3 hours

1. The regulatory framework and the workers' right to safety

2. Getting to know chemicals

3. The protection of workers using chemicals

4. The Night of Bhopal 

5. What are diisocyanates?

6. Risks from exposure to diisocyanates

7. General protective measures

8. Handling of diisocyanates

9. The application of diisocyanates

10. Emergency management

11. Practical examples

12. Risks from contact with chemicals

13. Risks from chemical inhalation



Mezzi tecnologici necessari

It is possible to take advantage of the courses by accessing from PC, tablet and smartphone devices equipped with sound cards and broadband internet connections. Supported browsers with the latest updates: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge. Tablet and smartphone system supported Android and iOS. Cleaning your browser cache daily is recommended.

Procedure di valutazione

Intermediate tests for educational purposes and final test to evaluate learning

ATTENTION: In order to pass the final test, a limited number of attempts are required.



Understanding the English language

Descrizione modulo formativo

The training course is divided into several E-Learning modules, each consisting of slide comments, videos of real work situations that are particularly explanatory of the concepts stated and learning verification tests. The different teaching units are linked together; it is not possible to scroll forward through unviewed slides, it is possible to return to topics already covered if necessary. Each participant will be able to follow the presentations at any time of the day according to time frames established by them. In fact, it is possible to interrupt the presentation at any time and subsequently resume from the point at which you arrived.

Destinatari dell'evento


  • Addetto al magazzino
  • Addetto al ricevimento
  • Addetto casse
  • Addetto pulizie
  • Addetto ristorazione
  • Addetto vendita
  • Amministratore
  • Amministratore delegato
  • Architetto
  • Area manager
  • Artigiano
  • Aspp
  • Assistente amministrativo
  • Autista
  • Avvocato
  • Capo cantiere
  • Collaboratore familiare
  • Collaboratore scolastico
  • Cuoco
  • Custode
  • Datore di lavoro
  • Dirigente
  • Dirigente scolastico
  • DSGA
  • Educatore
  • Estetista
  • Forze dell'ordine
  • Impiegato
  • Impiegato tecnico
  • Ingegnere
  • Insegnante
  • Instruttore guida
  • Istruttore sportivo
  • Libero professionista
  • Magazziniere
  • Meccanico
  • Notaio
  • Operaio
  • Operaio qualificato
  • Operaio specializzato
  • Ortottista
  • Ottico
  • Parrucchiere
  • Personale sanitario
  • Receptionist
  • Reponsabile di sala
  • Responsabile commerciale
  • Responsabile marketing
  • Responsabile punto vendita
  • Rspp
  • Stage
  • Studente
  • Tecnico
  • Tecnico di cantiere
  • Tecnico di laboratorio
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